Saturday, 13 September 2008


We would like to apologise to all people who turned up today at the Centre for Architecture, expecting to find out information about our third and final project in New York.
Unfortunately, things didn't turn out as planned. Not everything always does.
Regardless, thanks to everyone for all the support we've had.
We plan to return to New York soon...

Friday, 12 September 2008

West Broadway & Grand St, NY

We've just put up these two pieces in New York. If you'd like to see more head over to the Conflux headquarters in the Centre for Architecture on LaGuardia Place.

Wooster St & Grand St, NY

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Homes needed

Last minute everything. With luck certain bits will come within the next few hours.

Monday, 8 September 2008

Dissilated On The Zinc

Last minute events, post-audio sonics, 40 ounces of fun. 
An archive of evasion is logged. 

We should know better by now.